savoring sierra leone

there is a quote by e.b white that reads: “if the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. if it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. but i arise in the morning torn between a...

this piece reflects my desire to savor the world, and to enjoy the profound experiences that make up this unique place. 

related topics:
past storyfest entries, sustainability

there is a quote by e.b white that reads: “if the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. if it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. but i arise in the morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire to savor it. this makes it hard to plan the day.” 

this piece reflects my desire to savor the world, and to enjoy the profound experiences that make up this unique place. 

in this piece i hope to have captured a glimpse of sierra leone for those who have not been there before. i hope to show how some of the smallest and most simple moments can also be the most beautiful. the rainy season “brings the forest to life,” with unique sights, sounds, and smells. these are some of the things that i saw during july and august of 2019, during my time at tacugama chimpanzee sanctuary, located in the western area forest reserve.  

although there are prominent human and environmental challenges that need to be addressed in sierra leone, this video focuses on the present beauties and successes that also exist. 

i want to add to the expanding collection of stories and experiences that are told about this place, because the media often portrays sierra leone, or “mama salone,” in a light that is not truly reflective of its people and their circumstances. i am beyond grateful to have witnessed the beauty of the people who live here, the beauty of the rainforest, and the beauty of the plant and animal life which inhabit it. this piece is an appreciation and documentation of salone, but, as with many alike, does not encompass the whole story. 

source: music is copyright-free, courtesy of rage productions on youtube.

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chimpanzee, environment, forests, sanctuary, sierra leone, storyfest, video

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