agnext: the future of sustainable animal agriculture

agnext is a research group at colorado state university (csu) dedicated to finding sustainable solutions for animal agriculture. according to the director of agnext, dr. kim stackhouse-lawson,...

a cow grazing at colorado state university's agricultural research, development and education center on oct. 27, 2022, in fort collins, colo. (photo by eric forbes)

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agnext is a research group at colorado state university (csu) dedicated to finding sustainable solutions for animal agriculture. according to the director of agnext, dr. kim stackhouse-lawson, the growing research collaborative has built the climate smart research facility – the largest greenhouse gas emissions research facility for beef production in the country. with this new research infrastructure and exciting hires like dr. sara place, associate professor of feedlot systems, agnext will bring cutting-edge science to the animal agriculture industry.

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animal agriculture, beef, climate smart agriculture, food, sustainability

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