experiential learning trips

we have several upcoming experiential learning trips scheduled for the 2023-24 school year.

read more about each and submit an interest form below!



experiential learning trips

learn more about each opportunity

bayer sustainable agriculture trip to tuscon, az

travel to the bayer marana product development center greenhouse located in tucson, az to learn and report on the future of growing corn.

the 7-acre indoor climate-controlled facility uses state of the art technology, genetics and data to help grow the best corn seed in the most ideal conditions to create better outcomes for farmers while reducing land use.



ford motor company trip to dearborn, mi

watch for details to apply to come with planet forward to the ford motor company dearborn plant where they are manufacturing the ford 150 electric vehicles.





create your own trip | experiential learning fund

do you have a project idea that requires travel funding?

students from planet forward pillar schools may apply for a travel grant in order to produce a story for publication on planet forward.



select a trip and express your interest using the form below:

experiential learning trips form

which trip are you interested in?(required)
**you must attend a planet forward pillar school in order to apply for the experiential learning fund**
provide a brief description of your reporting/storytelling goals, why you chose the trip selected above, and if applying for the experiential learning fund; a brief summary of your story and travel plans.