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from webinars, to salons, to our annual summit, planet forward produces world-class events on sustainability, storytelling, and science.

we strive to connect students with leaders in environmentalism and science communication to foster engagement, learning, and career opportunities.

read on to learn more about our programming.

watch past events on our youtube channel
attend an event
frank sesno, jma, sustainability

the planet forward summit

the annual summit at the george washington university is a premier environmental storytelling conference for college students. every april in washington, d.c., more than 300 attendees and more than 40 universities attend the summit, where we connect students with leaders in business, government, science, and media.

​since 2013, planet forward has engaged more than 23,000 participants in person and online and more than 140 colleges and universities represented.


storyfest is a portion of each year’s summit when the five winners of our annual competition are announced.

the finalists in most compelling character, most creative story, best scalable innovation, best science narrative, and best use of science or data are celebrated on stage and the winners are awarded with an experiential learning trip with planet forward and lindblad expeditions.


what is a “salon”?

in short, it’s a discussion. but, more specifically, the term was used in the 17th and 18th centuries to describe an assembly of educated guests, such as leaders in society and politics, and was typically held in a home’s salon, or reception room, hence the term.

so why bring such an antiquated term back to life? because these conversations are exactly that — a hub of knowledge-keepers and knowledge-seekers holding an important, diverse and respectful conversation on the topic of the hour.